a hard truth

I walk to the water at dusk
crisp wind piercing skin
icing peach fuzz on cheeks
tears behind contact lenses
mind blank body processing
trauma virus

a block away
you are warmed
by radiator and whisky
reminiscing good times
with your father
picking you up
fighting your bullies
killing your monsters

fall asleep to the memories as your mother pulls the plug for you miles north.

Years from now
I am awake,
you fell farther
into your drunken sleep

a hard truth, robotics edition

water “you memories”
skin radiators for icing
cheeks reminiscing north

peach good,
fuzz times

falling fighting fallen
sea killing your
mind your drunken
blank monsters sleep
processing back

peach mind,
walk fuzz

blank radiators fighting you awake

water behind trauma
reminiscing killing

years drunken skin
warmed by “you memories”

Sometimes when I hit a creative wall, I try to tune back into what I call my “child-brain.” As children, we have this natural sense of play that seems to become dull, or even feel discouraged, as an adult.

I was introduced to “Language is a Virus” a little while back, a website filled with creative writing history and tools that often helps reignite my child’s brain. I highly recommend using the “Text Mixer” tool—plug your writing into the mixer, choose your favorite lines, and make something new.